Ny Nørreport




New Nørreport, as the project is called, was carried out in seven phases comprising underground and above- ground activities. During the entire execution period, the traffic had to be maintained around and at the station, so as the projected progressed, we relocated roads, bicycle paths and pavements.


Completely new platform for long-distance trains

The renovation work of the tunnels was divided into three phases to ensure that the train operation was maintained during the reconstruction, but also to ensure the passengers’ access to the station.


In the tunnels, we renovated the almost 100 year-old concrete structures. After cleaning of beams and wall cladding, the old concrete was completely renovated, and the moisture barrier was replaced by a new layer of protective concrete and new profiled concrete.


The long-distance platform at Nørreport Station was completely reconstructed with new surfacing, ceilings and tile cladding, and the lighting significantly improved. We also installed a new ventilation system which is visible above the surface by eleven large ventilation towers. The result is a significant improvement of the air quality. The

8.5 metre-high towers are encircled by glass and wood- en benches and contribute to the urban space design together with the artistic roofs.

Detailed planning

The renovation of the tunnel pipes took place at night and was carried out from a 200-m-long work train which was run into the closed track at night and out again before the train operation was resumed in the morning. This process required extensive logistics and thorough planning.


Focus on safety

Work carried out on railways that are still in operation is high risk work. So, we focused particularly on safety during the entire reconstruction. All work was carried out according to the regulations for work on tracks in operation, and all employees were thoroughly instructed before starting the work.


New urban space above ground

Above ground, we demolished all the old buildings and replaced them by new ones. Especially, the iconic roofs carried out in shotcrete were a challenge. Forecourt and long-distance platform were designed by Cottlieb Pal- udan Architects and COBE Architects.


A great change compared to previously is that the vehicle traffic is permanently redirected to one lane of the street Nørre Voldgade, except for the service traffic to the shops. The entire space around the station has new granite paving, and the bicycling parking spaces are doubled with the new innovative bicycle beds.



  • Renovation of S-train platforms and long-distance platforms at Nørreport Station (each platform is approximately 200 metres)
  • New station buildings
  • New ventilation systems
  • Total renovation of 4 × 400 m of tunnel pipes
  • 18,000 m² of new forecourt/urban space
  • 13,000 m² of reinsulation of tunnel including protective concrete and profiled concrete



City of Copenhagen





Gottlieb Paludan Architects

COBE Architects


Type of contract

Main contract



Aarsleff-Rail Nørreport I/S


Cooperation partners

Per Aarsleff A/S

Wicotec Kirkebjerg A/S

Petri & Haugsted as


Construction period

October 2011-January 2015

UK / DK contact : +45 8734 3000
: +45 3634 4640